
Verdict-as-a-Service Logo Online Dokumentation

System requirements

For the cloud-based service

Very few resources are required when using Verdict-as-a-Service in the cloud.

  • CPU: The SHA256 hash of the file to analyse will be calculated. Every CPU core can hash > 150MB/s.

  • Memory: Not used

  • Network: If necessary the whole file to analyse will be transferred to the cloud.

  • Storage: The file to analyse will be read from the storage. No additional storage is needed.


Minimal requirements

  • Kubernetes Version 1.27

  • Helm package manager

  • Nodes: 1 Linux x86-x64 node

  • CPU cores: 4

  • Memory: 3 GB

  • Storage per node: 2 GB, can be in memory (ephemeral)

Recommended requirements

  • Kubernetes Version 1.27

  • Helm package manager

  • Nodes: 2 or more Linux x86-x64 nodes

  • CPU cores: (# of nodes) + (0.5 core * # parallel requests)

  • Memory: (# of cores GB) + (2 GB * # parallel requests)

  • Storage per node: (# of parallel requests) * (size of largest file to analyse)

Example of a resource calculation:


  • You are using 2 nodes

  • 16 parallel analyses are to be realized.

  • The size of the files to be analyzed should not exceed 2 GB.


  • of the required CPU cores:
    2 cores (1 core per node to run the basic functions) + 8 cores (0,5 cores per parallel analyses, in our example 16) = 10 CPU cores required, distributed between two nodes.
    This means 10 CPU cores / 2 nodes = 5 CPU cores per node.

  • of the required RAM:
    10 GB (1 GB per core for the execution of basic functions) + 32 GB (2 GB * per parallel analyses, in our example 16) = 42 GB RAM required, distributed between two nodes.
    This means 42 GB RAM / 2 nodes = 21 GB RAM per node.

  • of the hard disk storage:
    Memory per node = 16 Parallel requests * 2 GB largest file = 32 GB Memory per node.