
Verdict-as-a-Service Logo Online Dokumentation


In this section you will find explanations of the terms that are used in the context of Verdict-as-a-Service and this documentation.


If a file is classified as Malicious, the detection name indicates the type of threat that has been found.


Signature and heuristic based detection of malicious files.


The filetype is a standard for the classification of files. It is used to determine the type of a file based on its content.


A request for a SHA256 hash without the need to upload a file.
In on-premise scenarios this lookup can also be requested against the Verdict-as-a-Service cloud.

IDE (integrated development environment)

A collection of computer programs with which the tasks of software development can be processed with as few media breaks as possible. IDEs provide helpful tools that relieve software developers of frequently recurring tasks and offer quick access to individual functions.

MIME type

MIME types after RFC 6838. You find a list of common MIME types in the Mozilla developer documentation.


A scanner is a tool that uses multiple engines to scan files for malware.


Undetected means that a file has not been detected by the security software.


A verdict is the result of a scan of a file for malware. See here which results your request could receive.