
Verdict-as-a-Service Logo Online Dokumentation


To make it easier for you to integrate VaaS into your application, we provide SDKs for various programming languages.

You will find the source code, documentation and examples for each SDK in the corresponding repository.

We currently support the following languages:

  • Rust

  • Java

  • PHP

  • TypeScript

  • .NET

  • Python

  • Ruby

  • Golang

The following table lists the functions supported by the various SDKs.

Functionality Rust Java PHP TypeScript .NET Python Ruby Golang

Check SHA256

Check SHA256 list

Check URL

Check file

Check file list

Custom Guids for tracability on user side

What responses do I get from the SDKs?

The response of your query you will get in each SDK is called verdict.

The SDK used for the request is not relevant, the possible verdicts are the same for all (cross-SDK).

The possible verdicts are:


No malicious content found


Malicious software is software that is designed to cause damage to a computer system or to steal data. Malicious software is also known as malware.



Possible for checksum only: means, we do not know the file hash