
Verdict-as-a-Service Logo Online Dokumentation

Developers can find examples for testing our SDKs in every repository of supported programming languages.

This guide shows how to use Verdict-as-a-Service in the cloud. It uses the Java SDK and is intended for non-developers who want to test Verdict-as-a-Service.

Are you interested in testing the on-premise deployment? In this case, you cannot use the self-generated access data.
We kindly request that you contact us first, without obligation.

Testing of Verdict-as-a-Service Cloud

To try the Java example, follow these steps:

If you have a CLIENT_ID and a CLIENT_SECRET, this step is not necessary.
  • Clone the VaaS repository from Github using the following link:
Klonen des Repositorys
  • Open the folder (File→Open)

Open example
  • Open the file build.gradle in the object tree on the left. Here you will find a code section for testing the Verdict-as-a-Service file check.

Open the build.gradle file 95%
  • To test the Verdict-as-a-Service file scan, provide credentials (see above) and the path and name of the file to be checked.
    To do this, open the environment variable configuration by clicking the green run icon in front of the code snippet (File- or URL-Scan) and select Modify Run Configuration.

Open configuration
  • Add the following environment variables using the list icon (see screenshot):

    • SCAN_PATH [Value = The path and name of the file you want to scan].

    • VAAS_PASSWORD [Value = Your password (see step 1)].

    • VAAS_USER_NAME, [value = Your username (see step 1)]

Enter environment variable
If you already have a CLIENT_ID and a CLIENT_SECRET, do not enter the variables VAAS_PASSWORD and VAAS_USER_NAME at this point, but CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET instead

In this example, the verdict is displayed on the screen.

Verdict of the file scan 95%

Developers may choose to process this verdict in their software according to their own specifications.

Additional software development kits (SDKs) for a variety of programming languages can be found on GitHub.

If you have any questions, please contact our experts without obligation.