G DATA Product Cleaner
What is the G DATA Product Cleaner?
The G DATA Product Cleaner is a tool for uninstalling G DATA products and for cleaning systems of any remaining installation residues, consisting of two functions.
On the one hand, it offers an uninstall function with which installed G DATA products can be easily uninstalled. Additionally, it has a cleaning function that removes residual G DATA remnants from the system.
Supported products
The following products are supported:
G DATA AntiVirus
G DATA Internet Security
G DATA Total Security
G DATA AntiVirus Business Windows Endpoints
G DATA Client Security Business Windows Endpoints
G DATA Endpoint Protection Windows Endpoints
G DATA Agent (MXDR Endpoints)
G DATA Management Server, G DATA Management Subnet Server
G DATA Exchange Mail Security
G DATA Bootwizard
Installation and execution
The G DATA Product Cleaner does not require installation. The executable file can be downloaded from the G DATA website and executed locally.
System requirements:
PC with Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2 support
min. 1 GB RAM
Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11 (32 or 64 bit), Windows Server from version 2016
Administrator rights are required for execution! |
Windows updates that have not yet been completed affect the uninstall function of the tool. If the system is in a Microsoft update process (or if there are Windows updates in the queue), you will receive a message that you must complete all Windows updates before using the G DATA Product Cleaner. This is expressly recommended by us. With "Yes" you can close the G DATA Product Cleaner. "No" takes you to the user interface of the tool. Here you can select the cleaning operation, uninstallation is not available. |
Program flow
Version with user interface (GUI)
In the first step of the process, the G DATA Product Cleaner scans the system for installed programs or leftover data and creates a summary.

If the installation files for the products are still available, an overview of the products found is displayed.

From the pull-down menu next to the programs, you can select the uninstall function with cleanup or just the cleanup function.
Any leftovers from G DATA installations that cannot be matched to any installed products are cleaned up automatically. |
If G DATA services and functions are active, a system restart is required to clean up the affected elements.

After the restart, the cleanup is continued by the G DATA Product Cleaner.
If the installation files were no longer present, the G DATA Product Cleaner shows how many files and registry entries it still found. These can then be removed using the cleanup button.

A log file with the executed operations is created in the %temp% folder of the current user.
Execution via command line command
In addition to the version with a graphical user interface, the Cleaner can also be run with a command line command with parameter control.
Administrator rights are required for execution in both cases. If you do not have administrator rights, an error message is displayed:
When called with the command line argument --help, a list of supported parameters is displayed.

If the G DATA Product Cleaner is called without parameters, it searches for existing installations or remnants and displays them. |
Parameters for controlling the behavior
Use the following parameters to control the behavior of the G DATA Product Cleaner in detail:
--help oder -h: |
Displays a quick guide to the G DATA Product Cleaner. |
--noreboot: |
Any necessary reboot is not carried out. |
--skipsrp: |
Does not create a restore point before execution. |
--nomessage oder -q: |
The G DATA Product Cleaner does not output any information (Quiet operation). |
--cleanall oder -a: |
All remnants are removed. G DATA Product Cleaner does not ask which data should be deleted. It deletes all traces of the supported products.
Parameters for product selection
The uninstallation of products can be controlled via the command line. These parameters are used to specify the product and control the tool’s behavior (mode).
If no parameter has been selected for the execution mode, the preselection "keep" is executed. This preselection can be changed with the command line parameter --default:mode. |
The individual G DATA products are defined by these command line parameters:
--client:mode: |
Endpoint installations: AntiVirus, InternetSecurity, TotalSecurity and Business-Endpoint. |
--agent:mode: |
Endpoint installations G DATA Managed Agent. |
--mms:mode: |
Business Management Server or subnet server. |
--exchange:mode: |
Antivirus for Exchange |
--bootwizard:mode: |
Boot medium and boot medium wizard. |
The mode defines the type of cleanup to perform:
keep oder k: |
The installation is retained. No changes will be made. |
uninstall oder u: |
First, the installer uninstalls the program. Then, the G DATA Product Cleaner cleans up the remaining files. |
cleaner oder c: |
The components of the product are removed using the G DATA Product Cleaner clean-up function; they are not uninstalled beforehand using the installation program.
MMS-Database |
The G DATA Product Cleaner does not remove the MMS database. The database must be removed manually by the administrator. |
Examples of use
GData_Product_Cleaner.exe --default:c --mms:u |
Removes the G DATA Management Server with the installation program and then removes remnants with the G DATA Product Cleaner cleanup function. |
GData_Product_Cleaner.exe --mms:k --client:c |
Removes the endpoint installation with the G DATA Product Cleaner and keeps theG DATA Management Server. |
GData_Product_Cleaner.exe -a |
Removes everything. |
GData_Product_Cleaner.exe -a --mms:keep |
Removes everything, the --mms:keep parameter is ignored. |