G DATA 365 | Managed XDR

Organisation units

Organisation units offer you the option of combining endpoints with identical characteristics.

These characteristics can be departments or even locations of your company. Endpoints with the same exceptions (for example all Microsoft Exchange servers or all database servers) make sense, as our G DATA Security Operations Team can apply exceptions and security settings not only to endpoints, but also to organisation units.

Organisation units can also be assigned to other users by an authorized user.
This allows you to limit users' access to endpoints contained in their assigned organisation unit. The assignment gives a user permission only to the endpoints in their organisation unit as well as all those below it.

In the kickoff, our G DATA Security Operations Team supports you in setting up the structure that makes the most sense for you. This structure may or may not correspond to your Active Directory structure.

Die Steuerung innerhalb des Portals

G DATA 365 | Managed XDR Organization management

In this portal window, permitted users can view the hierarchical structure of your organisation units.

The organisation unit Default

Initially, only the standard organisation unit Default is located below your root (customer name). You can create further organisation units.

The Default organisation unit cannot be deleted. For reasons of clarity, you should not rename or move this. Newly installed agents are always assigned to Default first and can be moved from there to the intended unit.

Create organisation unit

Click on symbol to open the window for creating a new organisation unit below the clicked unit.

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G DATA 365 | Managed XDR Organization management

The detail view

Detail view OU

Click on the line of an organisation unit to open the detail view for this unit. Depending on the settings and permissions, you have several configuration options here:

  • Activating two-factor authentication

  • Activation of DeviceControl

  • Display of the tray icon on the endpoints

  • Activating notifications on the endpoints

If not all the listed configuration options are available here, this may be due to your permissions, or because you do not own the according product.

Furthermore, you can move the selected organisation unit within the hierarchy at this point.

Depending on the role profile of the logged-in user, it may happen that the user does not see all organisation units and/or the Add icon icon is missing, as the user may lack the corresponding permissions.