G DATA Phishing Simulation

Installation of the G DATA phishing report button in Outlook via Exchange Online


Open the G DATA Awareness Manager and select the tab Define campaign target.

Download the installation package for the report button and save it in a directory of your choice.

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365 Security


Open the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.


Click on Settings and Integrated apps on the left side menu.

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Click on Upload custom apps.

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In the window Upload apps to deploy:

  • Select the app type Office-Add-in and

  • upload the installation file from the directory on your computer in which you saved the file from step 1.

Click Next.

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In the Add users window select the mailboxes of the participants who are taking part in the phishing simulation campaign.

You can choose between entire organization or specific users/groups.

If the selection does not apply to the entire organization, mark the app as not valid for all mailboxes by activating the
Is this a test deployment?
line (see note from Microsoft on the screenshot below). This has no technical implications.

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Click Next.


The permissions required for the app are displayed in the Accept permission requests window.

Click Next.

By clicking on Next you accept the displayed permissions.
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Check your entries in the Review and finish deployment window and click on Finish deployment

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Complete the process by clicking on Done. Wait until the report button appears in Outlook. According to Microsoft, this may take several hours (see screenshot).

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