G DATA Phishing Simulation

Group participants (optional, chargeable service)


Open the G DATA Awareness Manager and log in using your credentials.


Click on the Select reports tab and check whether the "Group report" checkbox is ticked. Only then will the tools for grouping under "Enter participants" be available to you.

Show screenshot
Enter participants


Click on the TAB Enter participant.

Show screenshot
Enter participants


Click on Groups and create the desired groups. Click on Add group for each group, enter the name and save by clicking the floppy disk symbol.

When grouping, please note that at least 10 participants must be assigned to each group later.
Show screenshot
Enter participants


Mark the participants of a group with a tick at the beginning of the line and click on Change groups.
Assign the desired group to the selected participants.

Repeat the process until all groups have been assigned the appropriate participants.

You do not have to assign all participants to a group. In this case, however, under "Select reports" activate the "Overall report" checkbox so that the results of participants who are not grouped are included.
Show screenshot
Enter participants