
Notifications by e-mail

Regardless of your service level, all customers receive an e-mail notification after an incident is reported by the G DATA Agent. In addition, messages are sent if the priority or impact of an incident changes. This ensures that customers can react promptly to important changes.

Authorized persons can specify at this point who exactly should be notified.
Users stored in the portal or collective mailboxes can be selected.

Authorized persons who can create recipients in this area see ALL users stored in the G DATA Web Portal in the selection, not just the users within the organisation units assigned to them organisation units assigned to them.

Show screenshot
G DATA 365 | MXDR Notifications
G DATA 365 | MXDR Notifications

Create e-mail recipients

New recipients of notifications can be created via the button button by authorized users.

Filter e-mail recipients

The list of e-mail recipients displayed can be filtered using the filter icon Filter icon according to the following criteria:

  • User
    This selection shows all users in the list, but not the stored e-mail addresses for which no user exists in the portal.

  • E-mail notifications
    This selection shows all stored e-mail addresses in the list, but not any users created in the portal.

  • New incident
    This selection shows all users and e-mail addresses that are contacted in the event of a new incident.

  • New recommended action
    This selection shows all users and e-mail addresses that will be contacted in the event of a new recommended action.

The filter criteria can be combined with each other.

Delete e-mail recipients

Via the delete symbol Delete Icon you can delete e-mail notification recipients from the list.

After clicking on the delete icon Delete Icon, the row of the recipient to be deleted is immediately removed from the view. However, the recipient is only finally deleted after you have clicked the Save button.

Change notification event

If you want to change the notification event for a stored user or a stored e-mail address, click once in the row in the column.

Show screenshot
medr} Notifications

Change a user’s e-mail address.

Changes to a user’s e-mail address are made in the User administration.


For users, the language in which the notifications are sent is shown. This is purely a display and cannot be changed here. The language can be selected via the user profile.

For collective mailboxes, the language in which the notification is sent can be selected here.

Emergency chain

In the event of a critical incident, depending on the service level, we will inform the contact person you have provided by phone. This can be a user who is stored in the portal, a collective connection of the responsible department or a responsible person at management level. You determine the order in which we will attempt to reach a responsible person.

medr} Notifications

Create emergency contact

New contacts can be created by authorized users via the button button.

Delete emergency contacts

You can remove contacts from the list again via the Delete Icon delete button.

After clicking on the delete icon Delete Icon, the row of the contact to be deleted is immediately removed from the view. However, the contact is only finally deleted after you have clicked the Save button.

Optional phone number

For each contact that is to be notified in the event of a critical incident, a second phone number can optionally be stored.

Status reports

The status reports provide automatically generated reports that are created at regular intervals and provide an overview of all activities that have been done in that time period. They are created monthly and additionally there are quarterly, semi-annual and an annual report.

G DATA 365 | MXDR status reports

You have the option to sort the reports by Reporting Interval and Creation Date. With the Filter, you can view those that either occurred in a specified year or filter them based on the creation interval.


Designation / name of report

Reporting Interval

Type of status report, possible options are monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and annually.

Created Date

Date of creation.


Here you can download the status report in question.

Structure of the status reports

The status reports provides a clear overview of all actions that have been carried out for you within the specified time period in G DATA 365 | MXDR.

Example Status Report
Example status report

A status report lists the company concerned at the top, along with any need for participation at the time of creation. It also states the period for which the report was provided as well as the number of endpoints.

Under “Threats averted”, you will see an overview of all the messages that have been recorded and those that are visible to you. It also shows how many of them were false and true positives.

The “Service overview” shows the number of recommended actions that have been created, as well as all open recommended actions, along with the average response time to a recommended action.

Finally, a list of all open recommended actions that should be carried out at the time of creating the report.

These are not only the unresolved recommended actions from the period covered by the report, but all the recommended actions yet to be carried out.