Installation of the agent on a Microsoft Windows system
The agent is installed on Windows endpoints for individual installations via the command prompt. On a larger scale the agent can be rolled out by script via a group policy. Depending on the service level, our G DATA Security Operations Team will assist you if necessary.
You get the setup file from our G DATA Security Operations Team. |
You have two options for installing the program using the installation file.
Installation with wizard via installation file
1 |
Open the installation file and select the desired language. |
2 |
Select Installation. |
3 |
Select a destination folder for the installation. |
4 |
Enter the setup ID that you received from G DATA. |
5 |
After entering the setup ID, the agent will be installed on the system. |
1 |
Open a command prompt with administrative permissions. |
2 |
Change to the directory in which the setup file is located. |
3 |
Start the setup with the following command:
Replace ????????-????-????-???????????? with your setup ID. This was given to you as part of the onboarding process by our G DATA Security Operations Team. |
4 |
Confirm the command. The agent will now be installed on the system. |