Automated installation of the G DATA Agent on VDI machines

In some scenarios, it may be necessary to install the G DATA Agent as a disposable agent. This is especially true for machines that are fully provisioned clones booted from an image, and do not store anything when they are shut down. Common examples are Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp and VMWare Horizon Full Clone, Linked Clone or Instant Clone.

It is important to note that G DATA Agents that are cloned from an image and rolled out this way, still need to be uniquely identifiable!

For this reason, it is not sufficient to simply load an image with G DATA Agent included when you start up the machine. You need a special profile from us for this. We will explain how to proceed in the following.

Process of distribution


Contact us through the channels you are familiar with, and you will receive a special SetupID that you can use to roll out the G DATA Agents via image. This special SetupID contains the configuration profile for the disposable agent. If desired, a separate Organisation Unit (→ OU) can also be created, in which all clones are put.


Each time a clone is started up, start the agent setup in silent mode.

gdata_agent_setup.exe /i /s /id=[guid]
In this case, "[guid]" is the SetupID you receive from us.


This ensures that an G DATA Agent that can be uniquely identified is created when the machine is started up.