G DATA 365 | Mail Protection


This page contains a list of all imported mailboxes.

G DATA 365 MailProtection manage users

Configure users individually

To view the details of a user, click on the user’s row.

Here you can set the following configurations for this user:

  • Mailbox Scans:
    By default, the automatic mailbox scans (rescans and internal emails between employees) are switched on for all users.

    If you would like to exclude a mailbox from this mailbox scan, you can deactivate it here.

  • Externe E-Mail Scans:
    Once the G DATA 365 | Mail Protection has been set up, all incoming mail for the mailboxes will be scanned by G DATA 365 | Mail Protection.
    If you want to exclude a user’s mailbox from being scanned for incoming email, you can uncheck it here.

  • Status messages
    If you have activated the Status messages in the Quarantine settings, all users will be informed about their filtered emails.

Here you can deactivate this notification for individual users.

In this context, pay attention to the symbols in the
Status messages column:

If message delivery is enabled globally in the quarantine settings, you will see a green check mark for enabled delivery in the individual user configuration, or a red exclamation mark for disabled delivery.

However, if the icons are grayed out, it means that Global Messaging is not enabled. This means that NO emails will be sent!

G DATA 365 MailProtection Recognize scan status

Configure multiple users

You can set any of the configurations described in the previous chapter for multiple users at the same time, by selecting the users in the box in front of the username and selecting the desired action from the pull-down menu below the three dots:

G DATA 365 Configure multiple users

Scan mailboxes of individual users

In addition to the automatic Rescans, you can manually scan the e-mails from the last 14 days in the mailboxes of one or more recipients.

By clicking Search icon in the row of the mailbox, you can manually scan the e-mails of one recipient for the last 14 days.

Once the scan is complete, the results are displayed and the individual operations are also recorded in the protocol. There you can see which e-mails have been detected.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Scan
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Scan
Only one scan job can be processed at a time. If you receive the error message "A mail server is already being scanned", you can call up the current scan job with the button Show current scans.

You can scan several recipient mailboxes by checking the boxes in front of the desired mailboxes. The order to scan all ticked mailboxes is made via the three dots above the last column. These dots appear there as soon as you have marked a Checkbox.

G DATA 365 | Mail ProtectionScan