G DATA 365 | Mail Protection

Create connectors and rule

This article describes how to create an outbound and an inbound connector and use a rule to route your e-mail traffic via the G DATA 365 | Mail Protection.

The necessary steps can be carried out either via Exchange Powerscript commands or via the Microsoft Exchange Admin Center interface:

Extend Windows Powershell for the connection to Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online Powershell)


Open the Powershell. Enter the following command to install the Exchange Management Module:

Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -RequiredVersion 3.4.0

Answer the queries with Y.


Start the connection with the following command:

Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName *MaxMustermann@x-company.cloud* -ExchangeEnvironmentName O365Default

Replace the user MaxMustermann@x-company.cloud with your user!

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Powershell connection


A login window will open. Enter your password here.


Continue with the point
Create connectors and rule using the Exchange Online PowerShell

Connectors und Regel unter Verwendung der Exchange Online PowerShell anlegen


Open the Exchange PowerShell and log in to Office 365 (You can find support for this under Extend Powershell for the connection to Microsoft 365).


Create a new outbound connector with the following command:

New-OutboundConnector -Name 'G DATA 365 Mail Protection' -ConnectorType 'Partner'  -IsTransportRuleScoped:$True -UseMXRecord:$false -SmartHosts 'mailprotection.gdata.de' -TlsSettings 'CertificateValidation'


Create a rule with the following command:

New-TransportRule -Name 'Redirect to mailprotection.gdata.de' -FromScope NotInOrganization -RecipientDomainIs x-company.cloud,x-company.onmicrosoft.com -ExceptIfSenderIpRanges '' -SetAuditSeverity High -RouteMessageOutboundConnector 'G DATA 365 Mail Protection'

At this replace x-company.cloud and x-company.onmicrosoft.com with your domain names.


Create a new inbound connector with the following command:

New-InboundConnector -Name "G DATA Mailprotection Inbound Secure Connector" -ConnectorType 'Partner'  -SenderDomains * -SenderIPAddresses -RestrictDomainsToIPAddresses $true -RequireTLS $true -EFSkipLastIP $false -EFSkipIPs
The Advanced filtering for connectors is also activated with this command.

Creating connectors and rules via the Microsoft Exchange Admin Center


Open the Exchange Admin Center and log in.


Select E-mail flow and Connectors.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection


Click on + Add Connector.


Wählen Sie aus:

  • Connection from Office 365

  • Connectopn with Partner organization

Then click Next.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Partner organization Add connector


Enter the name G DATA 365 Mail Protection and optionally a description. Tick the Checkbox Turn it on.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add connector name


Select: Only when I have a transport rule set up that redirects messages to this connector.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection


Select: Route email through these smarthosts and enter the name mailprotection.gdata.de as smarthost. Add it to the smarthost list via +.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection


Select: Always use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure the connection (recommended) and Issued by a trusted certification authority (CA).

Click Next.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection TLS


Create a list with at least one of your e-mail addresses per domain (add via +) and start a check of the Connector with regard to these e-mail addresses by clicking on Check.

This test should run without errors. If you encounter problems, please also refer to our indications for setting up the connector.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection


Check the setting in the summary and click on Create connector.

Click Finish.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection


Click + Add Connector.



  • Connection from Partner organsization

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection New Inboud connector


Enter the name G DATA Mailprotection Inbound Secure Connector and optionally a description. Tick the Checkbox Turn it on.

Click Next.

Show Screenshot


Select By verifying that the IP address of the sending server matches one of the following IP addresses, which belong to your partner organization.

Enter the IP and add it to the list with +.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add IP inbound connector


Tick the checkbox for Reject e-mails if they are not sent via TLS.

Click Next.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Inbound-Konnektor TLS


Check the setting in the summary and click on Create connector.

Click Finish.


Open the page Advanced filtering.


Here you will find the inbound connector you have just created with Advanced filtering deactivated.

Click on the row of the connector G DATA Mailprotection Inbound Secure Connector. An editing window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

Select the item Skip these IP addresses that are assigned to the connector:. Enter the IP range

Select Apply to entire organization and click on Save.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Activate inbound connector advanced filter


Filtering for the connector is now displayed as On.

Show Screenshot
365MailPro} Inbound connector advanced filtering



Click + Add Rule and select Create a new rule.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Enter Redirect to mailprotection.gdata.de as the name of the rule.

For Apply this rule if, select the following values from the pull-down menus:

The sender and is external/internal

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


A side window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

Select the option Outside the organization and click on Save.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Add a new AND condition using the + and select these options from the pull-down menus: The recipient and Domain is.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Create a list of all domains to be checked by G DATA 365 | Mail Protection. If there are several domains, each domain must be entered individually and added to the list using the Add button.

At this point, please be sure to follow our indications for setting up the connectors and the rule.

Finally, click on Save.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Select the following values from the pull-down menus for Proceed as follows:

  • Redirect the messages to and the following connector

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


A side window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

Select the G DATA 365 Mail Protection connector and click Save.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


For Except if, select the following values from the pull-down menus:

  • The sender and IP is in any of these ranges or matches exactly

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


A side window opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

Enter the following IP range there: and click Save.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Click Next.


Specify the following settings for the rule:

  • Rule mode = enforce

  • Severity = high

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Click Next.


Check the settings and click Finish.

Show Screenshot
G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Add new rule


Click on the row of the created rule in the Exchange Admin Center and activate the rule using the toggle switch in the window that opens on the right-hand side of the screen.

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G DATA 365 | Mail Protection Activate new rule