Virus signatures
Recent update
This shows you when your computer last received up-to-date virus signatures from the Internet. If this entry is marked red, you should carry out a virus update as soon as possible. To do this, simply click on the entry and then select the option Update virus signatures.

Update virus signatures: Normally, the updates of the virus signatures are carried out automatically. If you want to carry out an update immediately, please click on this button.
Disable automatic updates: If you do not want the G DATA software to automatically update the virus signatures, select this option. However, deactivating this option a high security risk and should only be done in exceptional cases.
More settings: Further setting options in the context of virus signatures.
Next update
Under this entry you can see when the next update will take place. If you want to update immediately, simply click on the entry and select the option Update virus signatures.

Update virus signatures: Normally, the updates of the virus signatures are carried out automatically. If you want to carry out an update immediately, please click on this button.
Disable automatic updates: If you do not want the G DATA software to automatically update the virus signatures, select this option. However, deactivating this option a high security risk and should only be done in exceptional cases.
More settings: Further setting options in the context of virus signatures.