Idle scan
This shows you when your computer was last completely checked for viruses. If this entry is marked red, you should carry out a virus check as soon as possible.

Check computer: If you have time to do this and do not want to use the computer for work in the next few hours, you can start a complete check of the computer directly here. You can continue to use the computer during this time, however, as the virus scan is carried out with maximum performance in this setting, it may be that other applications react more slowly.
Start idle scan now: The idle scan starts automatically in phases in which your computer is inactive and thus automatically defined intervals to check the entire computer. If you want to start the idle scan before the next automatically set time, please select Start idle scan now. If you do not want your G DATA software to automatically start the idle scan during work breaks, you can disable this function under Disable Idle Scan (not recommended).