The Autostart Manager

With the Autostart Manager it is possible to manage programs that are automatically started when Windows starts. Normally, these programs are loaded directly at system startup. If they are managed by the Autostart Manager, they can be started with a time delay, depending on the load of the system or the hard disk. This enables a faster system start and thus offer an improved performance of your computer.

Autostart Manager

When you open the Autostart Manager, you will see on the left side a list of all the autostart programs installed on your computer. These usually start without delay, i.e. directly with the start of Windows and can thus cause your computer to start very slowly.

automan forward icon Simply use the arrow symbol to select the autostart programs that you want to start at a later time and in this way you can reduce the time needed for Windows to start. Your Windows operating system will boot up and be ready for use much faster this way.

automan backward icon If you want to start an autostart program again without a delay simply move it back from the folder Autostart with delay to the folder Autostart without delay.

Set delay

If you have a program in the Autostart with delay folder, you can easily determine by how many minutes the start of this software should be delayed. Just click on the program and select in the Delay column, select the desired time span.

Set delay

The following entries are available here:

  • Do not launch: The application will be managed by the Autostart Manager, but will not be started on the next reboots of the system. It remains inactive.

  • 1-10 Minuten: The application will start the number of minutes selected here later.

  • Automatic: The application is started automatically depending on the CPU/disk load. This means that another autostart application is only started when the system load, which was caused by the start of other autostart applications or other processes has decreased again.


If you double-click on the entry of a program in the lists of the Autostart Manager, you will get extensive information about the managed software.
