G DATA Mobile Security Android (MSA)

Deleting a virus from your Android device

→ This is how you delete a virus from your Android device:

Call up the scan result.

How you do this:
  1. a

If you have run the virus scan manually, you will see the result will be displayed to you immediately afterwards.


  1. b

When the virus scan has been performed automatically, you will receive a push-up message on your Android device. Then open MSA. On the Dashboard, in the Infections section you will see that a virus has been found. Tap in that area. The virus will be displayed to you.


Tap on the virus.


To get rid of the virus, you need to uninstall the app in which the virus was found.

Tab on Uninstall.

Ignore the virus?

You have the option to ignore the virus. However, we do not recommend this way at all, unless you have a very specific reason and know that there is no danger from the virus.

If you tap Ignore here, no more push-up messages about the detection of a virus will be issued and the detection will also no longer be displayed in the overview. You can access and remove the ignored virus under Settings > Ignored infection.


You will be asked whether you really want to uninstall the app.

Confirm this query with Ok.


The infected app will be uninstalled from your Android device and the associated risk will be removed.