G DATA Internet Security

Removing a G DATA installation from your PC

You can remove your G DATA product from your PC in two different ways. First of all, there is the option of standard removal via the Windows Control Panel and alternatively the removal via the installation file of the software.

Removal via Windows Control Panel

Instructions for removal via the Windows Control Panel


Open Programs and Features in the Windows Control Panel.

Press and hold the Windows key (see picture) and press additionally the R key.

Windows Key


The step 1 opens the Execute window.

In that window enter


and confirm with OK.



You will now be shown a list of all installed applications on your PC.

Pick out your G DATA product and click it.

An Uninstall button will appear. Click this to initiate the uninstallation.

Windows Programs And Features G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION


The uninstallation process will now begin. In the following window you will be asked whether you want to keep personal settings and files in the quarantine after uninstallation.

You can delete files in quarantine to free up disk space. If you do not do this, the security of your system of your system will still be unaffected.

Now click on Next.

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstallation persoenliche Einstellungen V25


Confirm the removal of your G DATA product by clicking Yes.

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstallation Bestaetigung V25


Wait until the uninstallation is completed.

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstallation Fortschrittsbalken V25


Once the uninstallation is complete, the image below will be displayed.

Click Exit, your computer will be restarted.

G DATA FOR PC Deinstalaltion abgeschlossen V25

Uninstallation via the installation file

You can also remove your G DATA product at any time using the installation file.

If you no longer have the installation file, you can download it here:

Instructions for removal via the installation file


Execute the installation file with a double click.


You will probably get a prompt from Windows User Account Control asking if you want to allow this action. Confirm this action by clicking Yes.

G DATA FOR PC Uninstall Package UAC V25


Wait until the setup has been initialized.

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstalaltion Setup Initialisierung V25


Click Uninstall and choose whether you want to delete personal settings and files in quarantine as well.

You can delete files in quarantine to free up disk space. If you do not do this, the security of your system will be unaffected.

Click Next-

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstallation Auswahlmenue V25


Confirm the removal of your G DATA product by clicking Yes.

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstallation Bestaetigung V25


Wait for the uninstalltion process to finish.

G DATA TOTAL PROTECTION Deinstallation Fortschrittsbalken V25


Once the uninstallation is complete, click Finish. Your computer will then restart.

G DATA FOR PC Deinstalaltion abgeschlossen V25


Your G DATA product has now been completely removed from your system.

If you want to reinstall the program, read the following article:

Installation and activation of your G DATA product (with already existing access data)