How to activate your G DATA upgrade box and renew your license

This article will help you renew your G DATA license for Windows if you have purchased a G DATA upgrade box.

You can conveniently activate your G DATA upgrade box in My G DATA to extend your existing G DATA Internet Security license.


Open your G DATA Software.

Alternatively, you can also register directly on the G DATA website by entering your access data log in.

My G DATA shows the validity of your license and your currently used product.


Click Manage license in My G DATA in the lower left corner.

Activate license


My G DATA will now open. You are automatically logged in using the access data entered in your G DATA software.


In My G DATA you can see your currently used G DATA product and the expiration date of your license.

Click on Renew license and then on the text You have already purchased a registration number to renew your G DATA Internet Security? Here you can redeem it.

Activate license


Enter the registration number from your G DATA upgrade box and click Renew License Now.

Activate license Activate license Activate license

Done! You have now successfully renewed your G DATA license. Your G DATA software will be updated automatically, no further steps are required.