G DATA Business Solutions: Debugging with DebugView: Windows Client, ExchangePlugIn
With this guide, you can debug various components of G DATA Security Client (Windows).
These include:
The "G DATA Security Client" service
The "G DATA Proxy" service
The "G DATA Scanner" service
The client’s Internet update
The ExchangePlugIn
1 |
Download the DebugView tool and create the necessary keys according to the table: DebugView.
2 |
Open the DebugView tool. |
3 |
In the menu bar under Capture, activate the Capture Global Win32 option. |
4 |
In the DebugView, change the display from milliseconds to time (CTRL-T).
5 |
To debug, reproduce your problem now. If you want to debug a function or service, restart it(s) now. |
6 |
If the necessary data is included, then save the DebugView log via File > Save. |
7 |
After saving the log, set the DebugLevel to 0 or remove the entire DebugLevel entry. |
8 |
If necessary, send our G DATA Business Support the log file, with additional information if necessary: Contact Support. |