G DATA Security Awareness Trainings

Create a learner in the Learning Management System

As part of the onboarding process, we create your employees for you in the Learning Management System at the beginning. Over time, new learners can be added.

→ How to create a new learner:

  1. Open the User Management. Click on TO USER MANAGEMENT on the administrator dashboard or go to the Admin Menu via the cogwheel at the top right and then click on USERS.

  2. Click on the plus sign at the top right and select NEW USER.
    A form will open.

  3. Fill in the fields in the form. You can have a password automatically generated for the user. To do this, first click in the field and then on AUTO-GENERATE.

  4. Activate the checkbox FORCE USERS TO CHANGE THEIR PASSWORD AT THEIR FIRST LOGIN. Then your employee will be prompted to create his own password after the first login.

  5. Click NEXT at the bottom right.

  6. If your company is divided into several branches in our Learning Management System, select the correct branch for your new user under step 2 Branches. Otherwise, you can skip this step by clicking NEXT.

    A user can only be entered in one single branch.
  7. In step 3 Additional Fields, click NEXT. You do not need to make any changes here.

  8. In step 4 Team Members, click CREATE USER, to create the user. You do not need to make any changes in step 4 either.

You have now created the user. The user is automatically activated. He will now receive an e-mail with credentials to access the Learning Management System.

The learner will not yet see any courses after logging in. First you need to assign him a learning plan.