G DATA Security Awareness Trainings

Overview of your reports

As a Power User, we provide you with the following three standard reports:

1. Courses Progress Report

This report gives you an overview of the individual courses in the learning plan that your employees are following. For each course you will receive the following information:

  • What language the course is in

  • How many of your employees are enrolled in the course

  • What percentage of your employees have not yet started the course

  • What percentage of your employees have started the course but not yet completed it.

  • What percentage of your employees have completed the course

  • How long it took your employees to complete the course

2. User Progress Report (Learning Plans)

This report gives you an overview of your individual employees and the progress they have made in the learning plan. You will receive the following information for each staff member:

This report gives you an overview of your individual employees and the progress they have made in the learning plan. You will receive the following information for each staff member:

  • Last access to the Learning Management System (if an employee has never logged in, the corresponding column will be empty)

  • Name of the learning plan

  • Completion date of the learning plan

  • Degree of completion: what percentage of his learning plan has the learner completed?

  • Enrollment date of the learner in the learning plan

  • Status of the enrollment in the learning plan (Subscribed, In Progress or Completed)

3. User Progress Report (Courses)

This report shows you how far your individual users have progressed in each course. You will receive the following information for each employee and course:

  • When the course was completed; if this column is empty, the employee has not yet completed the course

  • When the employee last accessed the course

  • The final score with which the course was completed

  • What percentage of the course has the employee completed?

  • How many sessions the employee has spent in the course, i.e. how many times the employee has opened the course in the Learning Management System.